- PRC75Years
- New Building on New Campus
- Wuhan Institute of Technology
- 50 Anniversary
- International Cooperation
Wuhan Institute of Technology, originally named as Hubei Petrochemical Institute, was established in June 1972 under the administration of Hubei Province. It was renamed as Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology (WICT) and was placed under the administration of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry of the Central Government in March 1980 with the permission of the former Ministry of Education. The university was renamed into Wuhan Institute of Technology (WIT) with the approval of the Ministry of Education and Hubei Provincial Government in February 2006. In November of the same year, WIT participated in the national evaluation launched by the Ministry of Education of China and received the top grade of an “A” on its undergraduate teaching quality. In 2012, WIT was chosen as one of universities in the Midwestern Fundamental Capacity Building Project (the little “211 project”), and received Doctor Degree awarding authority by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council in 2013.Since 2014, the freshmen enrolledhave passed the first-level score line of Gaokao (National Examinationsfor University Entry).In 2018, the two disciplines of Chemistry and Materials reached the top 1% ESI ranking among worldwide universities and scientific researching institutions. Early in 2019, WIT has been evaluated as one of the Top 600 Universities in China, ranking 126th, and in October, from the World University Ranking 2020published by USNews, WIT ranked 115th out of the 223 universities in China and 1,205th in the universities worldwide, among the 1,500 higher education institutions nominated from 81 countries/regions. In May, 2019, the discipline of Engineering also achieved the top 1% ESI, and this means together three outstanding disciplines (Chemistry, Materials, Engineering) from WIT have become the international high-level majors. In the World University Ranking 2021published by USNews in Oct. 2020, there have been 9 universities from China mainland reached Top 200 Worldwide, and WIT, ranking 92nd, for the first time, become the one of the Top 100 universities in China mainland, and ranked 980th among the 1,500 higher education institutions nominated.
After over 5 decades’ of endeavors, the university has become a multi-disciplinary university with its own characteristics, fine teaching environment, and advanced research programs. WIT offers different academic programs and has the authorization to award the BA, MA and Doctoral Degree for different levels of students including undergraduates, postgraduates(Masters and Doctors), andinternational education studentscoming from thirty-one provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Presently, there are more than 21,951 full-time students in WIT, among whom, there are2,697 postgraduates,19,201 undergraduates,and 53 international students; with624 part-time postgraduates majoring in applied courses.
There are 17 subordinate schools(colleges), one department, one research institute, and one affiliated college. There are62 specialties classified into nine categories: engineering, science, management, economics, arts, law, literature, medicinesand education.
Now WIT has 2,079 faculty and staff. Among them, there are 1,269 teachers and scientific researchers, 251 of whom have the professional titles, and 485 with the titles of assistant professors, and among the staff, there are 58% professors, and 40.03% employees are with master degrees, while 54.3% with doctoral degrees.
Wuhan Institute of Technology has two campuses, the Wuchang campus and the Liufang campus, covering an area of 1.193 million square meter. It isauthorized as the Hubei Provincial Information Center of Science and Technology of Chemical Engineering and Technology, the Hubei Provincial Quality Supervision and Testing Center for chemical/ petrochemical products.
Since 2012, WIT has undertaken 5,258 various research projects, of which 295 are at the national level and 1,259 at the provincial level. There are over 1,288 authorized patents and more than 5,230 faculty academic papers have been published by SCI, EI, ISTP, SSCI, CSSCI, Xin Hua abstract, National People's Congress copy newspaper information retrieval.
WIT has established close cooperative relationships with more than 50 universities:Manchester Metropolitan University(UK); Duke University, Florida Institute of Technology,University of Missouri in Columbia(USA);Université Polytechnique HAUST-DE-FRANCE, Universityof Reims(FRA); Curtin University, Queensland University of Technology(AUS);Dundalk Institute of Technolody(IRL); University of Ottawa, Université du Québecà Trois-Rivières(Canada); St.Petersburg MiningUniversity(RUS); Kookmin University(KR); University of Malaya, Sabah Institute Of Art(MYS); Ngee Ann Polytechnic(SG); Siam University(THA); University of the Witwatersrand(ZA), etc. WIT, every year welcomes a large number of world-wide famous experts and international scholars to offer lectures or visit campus, and has sent hundreds of teachers to higher education institutions and research institutes in many countries and regions for further study, to receive professional training, attend international conferences, or visit and cooperate in scientific researches. In addition,WIT has also established close relationships of cooperation with other universities and institutesto offer Chinese-Foreign Cooperatively-run Educational Projects and Chinese-Foreign Exchange Education programs to WIT students,while the dual-bachelor programs and bachelor-master combining program could be offered to candidates qualified.
Moreover, a board of 130 large and medium-sized enterprises and 39 alumni chapters and education development foundation has been set up with the anticipation of agreements on joint development, talent fostering, technology development, and employee training. The system of mutual participation, mutual service, and mutual benefits has been established, thereupon forming an open-to-society university.
Meanwhile, WIT has receivedhigh praise and been awarded with titles, such astheHubei Provincial Best-civilized Organization, the National Model of Worker’s Family, the ModelOrganization of Green Ecology, andthe Safe & Civilized Campus, etc.
站在新时代的历史起点上,学校将以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持社会主义办学方向,全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实立德树人根本任务,秉承“格物明理 致知笃行”的校训和“艰苦奋斗 自强不息”的工大精神,坚持科学治校、民主治校、依法治校、以德治校,坚持“崇尚科学、追求真理,立德树人、守正开新,追求卓越、化育天下”的办学理念,以“双一流”建设为契机,大力实施“质量强校、人才强校、科技强校、特色强校、创新强校、文化强校”内涵式发展战略,加快化工及相关学科特色鲜明、多学科协调发展的高水平教学研究型大学建设步伐,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献工大力量。